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Looking for the best study tips to supercharge your learning experience? Look no further! We reached out to our expert team of Stride tutors to provide you with the most effective study habits you can start using today.

  1. Consistency is Key: Establish a regular study schedule and stick to it. Consistent effort over time leads to significant academic progress.“Consistency is the most effective study habit. Students, (with parental assistance), should develop a study routine that includes a dedicated location free of distractions and a specific time frame.” – Lakera Bethea, Elementary School Math Tutor
  2. Active Engagement: Take an active approach to learning by creating flashcards, practicing problem-solving activities, and applying concepts to real-world scenarios.“One of the most effective study habits I recommend is good old fashioned practice! Repetition, reinforcement…and like Nike says, ‘Just do it!’ Much of academic success boils down to the same simple answer, ‘practice makes perfect.'” – Donna Chimenti, Elementary School English Tutor
  3. Stay Organized: Keep track of course materials, assignments, and study schedules to maintain efficiency and focus.“For academic progress, the most effective study habits I recommend are making yourself a schedule (and sticking to it), and being organized. When a student sticks to a schedule, he/she completes more work than trying to cram all of their assignments in at the last minute. Staying organized allows a student to save time by being able to locate what they need when they need it.” – Laura Perez Speaks, Middle School Foreign Languages Tutor
  4. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers or tutors for assistance when needed. Asking questions and seeking clarification are crucial for understanding complex topics.“I recommend scheduling regular tutoring sessions if possible so that they can keep receiving regular support on the material they are learning in class.” – Amanda Lambert, High School Math Tutor
  5. Create a Distraction-Free Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable study space free from distractions to maximize concentration. “Get into a routine – plan a specific time or times each day where you will study or do homework. Making sure, as much as possible, that you have a comfortable and quiet place to work can really help. Leave cell phones out of sight if possible, and try to set up an environment that will help you focus.” – Allison Szatkiewicz, Middle School English Tutor
  6. Practice Regularly: Engage in consistent practice, especially for subjects like math where repetition is key to mastery.“Practice is the most effective study habit. Musicians practice music on their instruments. Athletes practice sports in the appropriate setting. Doctors practice medicine. So must our students practice over and over and over again.” – Johnay Dempsey, High School Math Tutor
  7. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Cultivate a growth mindset towards academics, believing in your ability to improve with effort and perseverance.“It’s important to have a growth mindset when it comes to academics. Anyone can improve their grades with work, but it also takes a positive mindset.” – Pam VanDyke, High School Math Tutor
  8. Take Breaks: Incorporate short breaks into study sessions to avoid burnout and maintain productivity. Remember, balance and self-care are essential for long-term academic success. “It’s important to take breaks and avoid cramming. Studying for shorter periods of time with frequent breaks can actually improve your retention of information.” – Angelica Aguilar, High School Math Tutor

By integrating these study tips into your routine, you’ll be on your way to achieving academic success. Remember, it’s not just about studying harder but studying smarter. Good luck!